The Evolution of Windows

What is Windows?

How it started

The first version of Windows was made by Microsoft in 1985 as a simple graphical user interface operating system. When Microsoft first announced Windows they didn't call it Windows, Instead, they called it an Interface Manager in 1983, but when it was released in 1985 Microsoft changed it to Windows. It was made as an extension of the disk operating system that Microsoft already had. The reason it was made was to go head-to-head with the graphical user interface of Apple's Macintosh. Although Microsoft was late in the graphical user interface trend, they were able to sell it at a much more affordable price than its competitors, which helped lead to it's success.

How it's going

Windows today is still going strong, and is being used all over the world. Microsoft took over the desktop and laptop industry with Windows. Windows today has had 14 different major versions, with many small updates in between each version. They have reached 1.4 billion computers with around 70% of all computers using Windows as of 2022. Microsoft although has slowed down with updates to Windows, they keep updating it to this day. Most recently Microsoft had released Windows 11, which shows that Microsoft, even after 38 years, is not done with Windows. The os that just started off as a graphical user interface was turned into the most widely used operating system made by any company.

Why it's important

Windows provided many things for computers, and made them easier to use for nearly everyone. It provided many menus and buttons that you can just click intead of text commands to navigate the system. Windows also made it possible for multiple programs to be opened on a computer at the same time. Without Windows, who knows how hard a computer might be to use. It is also important for everyday tasks, with how the corona virus hit the world, computers became more relevant with education and at home jobs. Windows helped people that had no idea what a computer really was, much easier to use.