Windows 1.0

The first version of Windows was announced on November 10th 1983 by Bill Gates. Windows officially came out 2 years later on November 20th. This was Microsoft's first graphic user interface and was their attempt to compete with big companies like Apple’s Macintosh. During the time of the Windows announcement, Steve Jobs, Apple’s main man, lashed out at Gates for the thought of thievery towards Windows. Apple’s Macintosh and Microsoft Windows was a competition of which computer user interface was better. When Windows 1.0 came out it took the computer industry by storm and everyone started to use Windows.

Windows 1.0 PC

Windows GUI

Windows started out as a GUI (graphical user interface) for users that aren’t as familiar with computers. Instead of the commands that most user interfaces need to work, Windows 1.0 used menus and buttons on the computer screen. This allowed the users to buy a mouse which back then was just coming out as well, which could click on the buttons to take the user where they would like to go. Fun fact Microsoft made a game called Reversi, that made users rely on the mouse so they could get used to moving the mouse around and clicking on things.