Windows 7 - 10

Most Impactful Changes 7

  • Multi-touch support
  • Virtual hard disk support
  • Improved windows media center

Windows 7

Windows 7 released on October 22th 2009, bringing a more simple and refined user interface look. Windows 7’s goal was to be what windows vista was but without the many bugs and problems with it. Microsoft Windows 7 was a focus on trying to make it user-friendly instead of an overload on dialogue box. This update was faster, stable, and easier to use, which made a reason to change from Windows XP which most users and businesses used before Windows 7.

Most Impactful Changes 8

  • Overhaul of interface
  • Faster
  • Touch screen accessible
  • Yearly update

Windows 8

This update was a complete redesign of the whole operating system. Windows 8 came out on October 26th 2012 with touchscreen and near instant on capabilities. This update was faster than all other versions of Windows so far with the ditching of the start button and menu to go for more of a touch screen start screen. At least until Windows 8.1 which added the start button back for the users that still used a mouse. This update also started the yearly updates that Microsoft would do.

Most Impactful Changes 10

  • Multi-device support
  • Start Menu
  • Better Security
  • Beta Release

Windows 10

Windows 10 came out on July 29th 2015 with a beta release which was a technical preview of this update. The update was another step in Microsoft's U-turn from the touch screen days by bringing back the Start Menu and a more traditional interface. This update also came with the new mouse and keyboard mode and tablet mode which computers could switch between them. Another interesting feature that Windows 10 brought was a more secure user interface with the new authentication security. Lastly this was also the update that let windows go to other devices like smartphones, tablets, and Xbox consoles.