Windows XP & Vista

Most Impactful Changes XP

  • Brand New interface
  • Two Versions
  • More Stable

Windows XP

Windows XP came out on October 25th 2001. This update came with a whole new user interface, and a more stable and reliable environment because of the Windows 2000 kernel it was built on. Another big change XP had on Windows was the two different versions of the interface. There was a at Home version, and a Professional one for work. This was Microsoft's plan to have an environmental interface instead of just all in one. The plan succeeded and this update became one of Microsoft’s best selling products.

Most Impactful Changes Vista

  • Increased Security
  • Fast Start-up
  • Sleep Mode
  • Made Simple

Windows Vista

This update was released on January 30th, 2007, with the intent of having an increase in security performance, and reliability. The update had four different versions, them being Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, and Ultimate. Windows Vista updated the ability to detect hardware problems before even occurring and security features to protect against the threats. However, when it came out, it was super buggy, where not all versions of Vista could run on PCs which got Microsoft sued.

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